Superior Standard Concrete for a mix of applications


Lafarge offers Standard Concrete that is formulated for most generalised applications. Our Standard Concrete is available in strengths ranging from 10 MPa up to 50 MPa, allowing you to select the strength that is best suited to the job at hand. Our stone sizes range from 6.7mm to 37.5mm. We deliver our quality concrete in pumpable or non-pumpable form, in slump classes starting from 75mm and upwards. This concrete is reliable and ensures guaranteed strength at 28 days.


Manufactured in controlled conditions for consistent quality

Tested in cubes and varied mixes according to global standards

Can be formulated to the strength you need

Can be formulated according to colour

Highly workable concrete mixes


Delivered directly to site, ready to use

Increases the speed of construction

Reduces labour costs and saves time

Reduces wastage and water use


Applicable for most generalised building applications

Suited to small or large projects

Standard Concrete Case Study

Lafarge’s key role in KwaZulu-Natal’s impressive road infrastructure projects Travel on KwaZulu-Natal’s N2 Freeway major coastal route has been transformed in recent years with the construction of a series of impressive upgrading and interchange projects, some aptly described as engineering marvels.